Wednesday, February 07, 2007


From Terry DuLong in a Jannury 22 posting on “Writing Away on Cedar Key,” “Yeah......come ON, Bangor, Maine! Get real! Banning smoking in privately owned cars in which children under 18 are passengers?

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've had just about enough of MY freedoms being robbed from me. I've had enough of government intrusion into my private life and this one just put me over the edge when I heard the news this past weekend.”

Sorry Terry, while I like your blog, on this I have to disagree. When we talk about rights, we have to talk about everyone’s rights. This includes the rights of children who may be riding in your car.

I am a smoker, and a heavy smoker. But my right to smoke stops where someone else’s right not to have to put up with my smoke begins. I’ll be the first to agree that the Cigarette Guestapo has gone way too far. But not this time. A child’s right to not be a victim of our smoking superceds our right to smoke, even in our own cars.

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